Workout Tips – Video : V Cut Abs Shredding Workout (NO GYM REQUIRED!) How to Get V Cut Six Pack Abs At Home Best Exercises


V Cut Abs Shredding Workout (NO GYM REQUIRED!) How to Get V Cut Six Pack Abs At Home Best Exercises



The best V Cut Abs shredding workout that you can do in your own home. If you don’t have a gym and are still looking for a way to work towards six pack abs check out this workout. These ab exercises are great to get shredded abs fast.

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Today’s I’m giving away one of my favorite V cut ab workouts that you could do right in your own home and you don’t need any weights or any equipment at all. A couple quick pointers before we start first of all the lower abs seem to be the obvious go to for people that want to build that v shape. But the v-cut is a lot more than just your lower abs. You also have your obliques which actually make up the majority of that V cut. It’s my muscle that’s coming across here that We’re trying to build. So just keep in mind that obliques are super important for achieving that V cut look. On top of that also understand that most people are working their abs wrong. I’m not going to be over there in your living room correcting your form so pay close attention to what I’m about to say and then we’ll jump right into the exercises. If you’re aiming for an effective ab workout you want the majority of the movement not in your hips and not in your neck but in your trunk. We need trunk flexion to hit the abs better. So bending around your waste and around the middle of your spine is considered trunk flexion and extension. When doing these exercises make sure you’re not just raising your legs up and down without engaging your core and make sure that any kind of crunch movements includes you lifting your shoulder blades off the ground. If you’re just moving your neck and your upper back trap area off the ground you’re going to be wasting your time. Understand there’s a big difference from working your abs when talking about hip flexion trunk flexion and neck flexion. Okay with all that said the very first exercise that we’re going to work on is one that I called the Navy Seals sit up. Sounds badass right well it is pretty badass because this one is going to give you a great workout without using anything other than your body weight. Start this exercise by sitting on your butt then extend your feet out away from your hips while still keeping them slightly above the ground. Put your fingertips next to your ears and lower your upper body while keeping your feet above the ground. Then come up and bring your opposite elbow to your opposite knee. then return back to the starting position with your feet above the ground. Now do the other side and you go back and forth. Guys this is super effective exercise this is like the bicycle sit up on steroids. This is a tough one so if we could aim for 30 reps to start that would be great. Next we have the reverse crunch and when this is done correctly it could be one of the best exercises for your lower abs. You want to start by laying flat on the ground with your arms out for support. You’re going to bend your knees and curl your knees in towards your chest. You should feel your hips rise up off the ground to create that trunk flexion that we were just talking about. When you bring your knees in you really want to make sure that you squeeze then bring your knees back out to a 90 degree angle you don’t really need to go lower than that because any lower than that will start to engage your hip flexors rather than your lower abs. This may not look like much but this is far better than trying to hit your lower abs with regular leg raises. Let’s shoot for 10 reps with this exercise. I’ll explain sets at the end when I the it into all your other exercises. For the next one we’re going to do an isometric contraction. All that means that you’re going to be holding the tension in one position. These are called V holds you’re going to sit with your feet straight out in front of you and then you’re going to lean back on your butt and raise your feet up off the ground. With your hands reach towards your toes to act as a counterbalance. Again you want to really squeeze the core and you’re pretty much just holding this position. Now even though this is a great exercise for your lower abs it’s also great exercise for your transverse abdominis which is a deep layer abdominal muscle fiber and for your rectus abdominis which is that six pack that we all know and love. So you’re really getting multiple benefits out of this exercise. Try to shoot the hold it for 60 seconds or if you’re beginner to start with 30 seconds. For the next one let’s hit the obliques. First exercise we’re gonna do for the obliques is the Russian twist. You’re essentially going to get into the same position that you were in with the V hold being careful not to sit too upright because that’ll make this exercise super easy.