Workout Tips – Video : Everything Wrong With Wonder Woman’s Workout (JUSTICE LEAGUE WORKOUT)


Everything Wrong With Wonder Woman’s Workout (JUSTICE LEAGUE WORKOUT)





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In celebration of Justice League coming out, I’m gonna take you through the workout routine that Gal Gadot used to get in shape for Wonder Woman. Instead of just showing the exercises, I’m gonna give you a little more honest breakdown and explain – well – what’s wrong with it.

Zeroing in on the workouts, the most complete resource I could find was this article from Muscle and Fitness that described two workouts Gal Gadot did about 4 months into her training journey. At face value – these are full body workouts with a combination of strength and cardio. We’re off to a good start.

Starting with rowing – we’ve got an easy warm up, followed by short HIIT-style intervals. The light warm up is fine – matter of fact – warm tissues are less prone to injuries. The HIIT though, I’m not sold on. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. The reason this might be an issue is because of something called the “interference effect” between resistance and aerobic training. The logic behind this is that weights and cardio stimulate your body in different (and competing) ways. So you have to prioritize whichever adaptation you want – whether that means putting weights first if you want more strength or putting cardio first if you want more endurance.

While some studies conflict with the “interference effect” theory, the current body of literature suggests that starting with the quality you most want to improve is the “better safe than sorry” approach. My advice: keep the warm up, move the HIIT to be after the main workout

Moving onto these “functional” movements. These movements are designed around the idea that by isolating specific muscle groups, you’ll develop imbalances and as a result increase your risk of injury. Considering Wonder Woman would already be training archery, weapons, and martial arts on top of this, I’m not sure these are 100% necessary.

No real issues with pull ups.

Ring push ups though – these are just as they sound – unstable. While less stable training can be good in certain circumstances, I definitely wouldn’t program it at the end of a workout when you’re feeling fatigued and less coordinated. That’s asking for an injury.



Moving onto Workout #2, here I’m really just gonna focus on this first line of instructions because pretty much the whole workout falls apart after that; “Do the following exercises without resting or setting the bar down”.

Now they want you to do this series of 5 exercises, for 5 reps each and for 10 sets total. So that’s 25 reps per set x 10 – that’s 250 reps without putting the bar down.

I understand that by reducing rest you’re going to create more metabolic stress, which (in theory) should lead to a greater muscle building stimulus BUT not if you injure yourself, which is a very real consideration when you’re performing a lot of heavy reps without rest.

Even if we did rest between sets, the assumption seems to be that we’re using the same weight for all exercises. That’s a problem because these exercises are using muscle groups of very different sizes / strengths. So the amount you’d be able to lift would be limited by the weakest muscle group.


#1 Cardio after weights
#2 Remove any exercises that put your joints in unstable or strained positions
#3 Build your glutes

Remember – transforming your body is gonna require consideration of your workouts, nutrition, and unique starting point.

This is exactly why I made the Transformation Tool. This is a quick quiz where I’ll ask you a series of questions to learn a little bit more about your body type, goals, and starting point. From there, you’re going to get custom advice from me for what I recommend you focus on first.

I’ve put a link for that here:

Thank you for watching and I hope to see you in the next video!