Workout Tips – Video : Ab Workout – At Home Abs – Intense Ab Workout


Ab Workout – At Home Abs – Intense Ab Workout



Ab workout Lose your belly fat and get a flat stomach. Work on your six pack. Everyone wants a flat stomach, but it has more benefits than just looking great! If you lower your abdominal fat, you lower your risk of heart disease. . For best results, do it 3 times a week on non-consecutive days. This workout burns 104-144 calories approximately.

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When it comes to weight loss and fitness, one of the most common desires among both women and men is to have a chiseled and defined mid-section. We all want flat bellies and toned abs, but what’s the best way to lose your love handles and get rid of your muffin top? Most people know that crunches and sit-ups do the trick, but what else?

The number one thing we want to stress is that doing ab focused exercises alone is not going to get you the results you want. While targeting your abs is certainly important if you want a six pack, there’s more to it than that.

There’s a reason people say “abs are created in the kitchen.” Diet will make or break your goals. I’m sure you’ve noticed this before! Have you ever worked out for weeks and wondered why you’re not losing weight or toning up in the right places? The answer is almost certainly that your diet is not clean.

If you want to see more definition in your abs, you have to cut down your body fat percentage.This means you have to burn more calories than you consume, and also choose the right foods to get the nutrients you need and fuel your body. This process will vary from person to person, but a general rule is to avoid processed foods, foods that are high in fat or sugar, and anything fried.

Stay away from empty calories. That means ditching things like soda and other sugary drinks immediately. You will notice a big difference! Stick to whole foods like fruits and veggies and lean meats, as well as legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. Also, remember to stay hydrated & get plenty of rest!

Try combining ab workouts with smart cardio like HIIT and TABATA while also maintaining a healthy diet, and you will be amazed by the results! Whether you’re doing ab workouts for women or a man looking for washboard abs, these tips will get you on the way to a toned & slim waist.

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