Workout Tips – Video : Ultimate Legs Workout | Craig Capurso


Ultimate Legs Workout | Craig Capurso



Boring this leg day is not. But it’s definitely challenging, taxing, and balls-to-the-wall. How else would Craig do it?
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If you thought your leg day was tough, wait until you get a look at what Craig Capurso does.

In this ultimate leg workout designed to tax your mind and your muscles, Capurso takes you through six exercises and multiple modalities, such as AMRAP, cluster sets, dropsets, isometric holds, and ascending rep ranges, to give you the meanest leg workout you’ve ever seen!

| Craig Capurso’s Ultimate Leg Workout |
1. Superset
Squat Bottom Position Hold – 30 seconds
TRX Squat Jump – 30 seconds
2. Barbell Squat
3 sets, 15,10,10 reps (warm-up sets)
1 set, 12 reps (with 5-rep weight, cluster set)
1 set, AMRAP (with 5-rep weight)
3. Leg Press – 1 set, Max reps (in 4 min.)
4. Seated Leg Curl – 2 sets, 6 reps (unilateral ascending reps per set)
5. One Leg Barbell Squat or Bulgarian Split Squat – 1 set, 30 seconds (per side)


| Recommended Supplements |
Cellucor C4 Ultimate Pre-Workout ►
– The Ultimate Pre-Workout Experience
– Fully-Loaded Formula in Single Scoop Dose

Cellucor COR-Performance Whey ►
– Fast Acting Protein Powder to Build Muscle*
– Great Tasting Protein with Minimal Fat and Carbs and Added Digestive Enzymes*

Cellucor SuperHD Fat Burner ►
– Weight Loss Support Capsule*
– Increased Energy while Boosting Fat Metabolism*


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