Workout Tips – Video : The 9 Minute Kettlebell Workout From Hell!


The 9 Minute Kettlebell Workout From Hell!



Ready to melt fat like raw meat on a hot grill, while simultaneously building strength, power, endurance, and mobility?

Then my 9 Minute Workout is just what the devi–ahem, doctor–ordered.

This #IBetYouCantDoThisWorkout challenge uses the power of kettlebell complexes, where exercises are done back to back, with no rest between, to really rev that metabolic engine. Oh, yes, you’ll be feeling the burn with this one, alright.

Here’s how it goes.

The 9 Minute Workout

One arm swing
One arm clean
One arm snatch
One arm push press
Reverse lunge
Single leg deadlift
Swing burpee

30 seconds of each (both sides) EXCEPT the swing burpee and plank which are 60 seconds each.
Men use 16 – 20kg; women 8 – 12kg.

One round is sufficient, two is significant.

Be sure to share, then let me know how it goes in the comments below.

Strong ON!

– Pat

PS – The 9-Minute Workout is a featured workout within my free 5 Day Kettlebell Fat Furnace Fitness Challenge. Tap below to join.