Workout Tips – Video : Jason Blaha Q&As December 10th, 2017 Part 3


Jason Blaha Q&As December 10th, 2017 Part 3



0:08 Hi Jason. Alan Thrall says a good way for me to prevent muscle loss when I am out of the gym for a couple of weeks is to eat a lot and gain 20 lbs of bodymass. Than I probably would be stronger than before. Do you agree with Alan?
1:37 Hi, what do you think about fasting for longer periods of time on none training days. My rat is a powerlifter and he wants to go down 3-4 kg for a meet, is there any proof that cutting 0.5 kg per week is better, or more musclesaving than just fasting for 4-5 days, for example one 24 hour fast every sunday. My rats reasoning is that if you have fat for fuel, from the bodyfat and you provide the body with BCAA, sip on water with bcaa throughout the day, there would be no reason for the body to break down alot of muscles. If it’s all about calories in and calories out, does it really matter which way he does it?
4:23 Hey Jason! Does good gripstrength equal good forearm development? Im doing everything strapless, including heavy cheatshrugs, will i get maximal forearm development from that? Thanks!
6:10 Does working out while taking cortisone harm you? What would be the precautions to take in order to lift without harming your gains? I’d like to know your thoughts on that because it seems you have never covered that in the past thanka
8:10 Hey Jason, I also live in the best gd state, Texas! Is barbecue food healthy for you? I normally eat 1/2 cup brown rice (raw), 8 oz lean brisket, and a sausage link, all dipped in bbq sauce. Is this going to give me cancer or be detrimental to my health?
10:08 I don’t like dead lifting can I substitute it with the farmers walk
I don’t compete I just need a good back mass builder
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