Diet and Healthy Recipes – Video : P90X3 Diet Plan – WHOA Hello Calories and Carbs!


P90X3 Diet Plan – WHOA Hello Calories and Carbs!



I have had a lot of team members of Team Sweet Life ask me about the P90X3 Diet Plan. After all, most of us are used to the run of the mill diet plan: restrict your calories, don’t eat a lot, and eat healthy.

What if I would tell you that might be an “old school” way of thinking? My video on the P90X3 Diet Plan will explain today.

There are a few tips that I share that includes:
1. Eat Every 3-4 hours
2. Never wait until you’re hungry
3. Actually follow the P90X3 Diet Plan/Nutrition Guide! Eat your calories appropriately and track them with MyFitnessPal to ensure you hit your macros and calories each day.

If you have any questions about the P90X3 Diet plan, feel free to contact me, comment, and ask away! I’m here to help you!


Coach Bob

Please watch: “Fitbit 30,000 Step Challenge – With an INSANE New Goal…”
