Diet and Healthy Recipes – Video : Healthy Eating and Exercise: Putting It All Together with


Healthy Eating and Exercise: Putting It All Together with



Obesity now affects 17% of all school-age children in the United States—triple the rate from a generation ago! This up-to-date program follows the USDA’s latest Dietary Guidelines and introduces the new MyPlate concept—a brand-new graphic representation of the five food groups which visually helps teens understand the importance of appropriate portion sizes and nutrient-rich food choices. Viewers learn many easy-to-follow strategies for life-long health such as eating less, making at least half of their plate fruits and vegetables, cutting down on salt, drinking more water and making exercise a daily habit. The program emphasizes that a healthy diet should not mean cutting calories, but instead is centered around making the most beneficial food choices while avoiding an excess of salt, sugar and fats.